
Ion Concentration


  • ionic compounds are made up of two parts
  • Cation: positively charged particles
  • Anion: negatively charged particles
  • when ionic compounds are dissolved in water, the cation and anion separate from each other
  • this process is called dissociation
  • when writing dissociation equation, the atoms and charges must balance.
  • the dissociation of sodium chloride is:
NaCl -> Na+ + Cl-

  • if the volume does not change then the concentration of individual ions depends on the ba;anced coefficient in the dissociation
ex. Determine the [Na+] and [PO4 3-] in a 1.5 M solution of Na3PO4

Na3PO4 -> 3Na+ + PO4 3-
1.5 M = [PO4 3-]
1.5 x 3 = 4.5 M = [Na+] 

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